We're pleased to introduce you to our AFP New Brunswick Chapter Leadership!
If you'd like to get involved with a chapter committee or if you have any questions about AFP membership, events, posting on our chapter job board, or any other fundraising topic, feel free to get in touch!
We're happy to help in any way we can.
Natasha O'Donnell, CFRE Director, Direct & Digital Marketing at Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation Saint John
President Committee on Directorship Chair

Kristen Wheaton Clayton, CFRE Vice President, Philanthropy at YMCA Canada Saint John
Vice-President Mentorship Committee Chair |

Elizabeth Murphy Co-Founder and Co-CEO at Bloom Funding Saint John |

Gerry Backs, MA President at Hearten Philanthropic Management Saint John
Treasurer Finance Committee Chair

John Wong, CFRE Director, Community & Fund Development at Brilliant Labs Saint John |
I.D.E.A. Committee Chair
Marc Lapointe, MBA, CFRE Vice President at BNP Philanthropic Performance Atlantic Moncton |
Government Relations Committee Chair
Anthony Enman Marketing & Annual Giving Officer at Saint John Regional Hospital Foundation Saint John
Education & Professional Development Chair

Kathy Gorman Director, Marketing at National PR Saint John |
Marketing & Communications Committee Chair

Julie McLaughlin, CFRE Director of Development at Atlantic Wellness Riverview |
Christine Gilliland, CFRE Principal at Way Up Strategic Solutions Saint John
Chapter Director (part-time) Membership Committee Chair (506) 343-5154 chapterdirector@afpnb.org
